



World Ocean Day 2024 Zine

To commemorate World Ocean Day 2024, we organized a contest inviting young individuals to contribute their artistic or literary creations. A selection of these submissions was then curated into a zine.

Thank you to all the participants!

To everyone who submitted to our open call and who attended our showcase webinar, YOI couldn't have done it without you.

So many amazing artists spoke about their work during our event, and we encourage those that were unable to attend to take a look at the zine father down the page. A wheel of fate decided the two young artists that will receive monetary prizes from YOI during the webinar, and the winners were...


Kevin Lin, Age 17

Kevin is a rising high school senior from Brooklyn, New York. He believes ocean preservation and protecting the ocean from Kevin is a rising high school senior from Brooklyn, New York. He believes ocean preservation and protecting the ocean from man-made pollutants is crucial for the health of the ocean as well as our wellbeing. He fights for the preservation of the ocean through creating art.


Ava Saucedo, Age 17

Ava is a rising senior at Woodbridge High in Irvine California. Her chosen medium (photography) aims to convey a feelings of simplicity and overwhelmed. She believes that the ocean is grand and untouchable. She hopes her photography is able to show how this grand beauty interacts with other natural elements!

Final Zine